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A carbon offsetting project

The project is being developed as a carbon offsetting project, meaning that the emission reductions and removals generated on the basis of mangrove restoration and conservation activities are closely monitored, verified and reported. On the basis of emission reductions certified through the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) Program, carbon credits are generated. One credit is equivalent to the reduction or removal of one metric ton of CO2e. Part of the revenue gained from the carbon credits will be reinvested in climate and biodiversity initiatives in The Gambia to support local communities in sustainable development. The project is listed in the Verra Registry here.


Certification of the GHG emissions

What is the VCS program and how does it work?

The VCS Program is the world’s most widely used voluntary GHG program run by the non-profit organization Verra. Over 1,808 certified VCS projects have collectively reduced or removed nearly 1 billion tonnes of carbon and other GHG emissions from the atmosphere.  Projects developed under the VCS Program must follow a rigorous assessment process in order to be certified. VCS projects cover a diverse range of project types, including avoidance of deforestation and degradation and restoration of degraded nature areas. Emission reductions certified by the program are eligible to be issued as VCUs, with one VCU representing one metric tonne of greenhouse gas emissions reduced or removed from the atmosphere. This project will seek to certify the project's emission reductions and removals through VCS to ensure the credibility of the project. 



Ensuring High Quality through VCS


Project Validation

During Project Validation, an independent Verra approved validation/verification body (VVB) evaluates the Project Description Document (PD document) to determine the following: compliance of the project with VCS rules, adherence to the applied methodology, including the demonstration of additionality as specified in the methodology, and the probability of generating verifiable GHG data and information through the methods and procedures outlined in the project description. The outcomes of the validation process are documented in Validation Reports. Currently validation is underway and the Validation/verification body (VVB) site visit occurred in March 2023.


Project Verification

Project Verification is an ex-post evaluation of monitored greenhouse gas (GHG) data and information that takes place after project implementation. During this process, the Verra approved validation/verification body (VVB) assesses the applicable monitoring report by examining the following: the implementation of methods and procedures, including monitoring procedures, in line with the validated project description and monitoring plan, and the accuracy of reported GHG emission reductions and removals. The VVB also conducts on-site inspections as part of the verification process, with relevant parties being notified in advance. The outcomes of the verification are documented in Verification Reports.



To ensure transparency, that the ambitions of the project is being met and to document the mangrove growth and the ongoing Carbon Sequestration, Monitoring Reports covering all PAI’s (Project Activity Instances) will be produced continuously.

Once the planted mangrove trees in an area have reached a size where a considerate amount of carbon has been sequestered, a third-party validator approved by Verra will inspect and confirm the quantity of the carbon sequestration. Based on the results of the third-party verification, carbon credits equaling the amount of carbon sequestered by the project are issued. The results of the verifications are presented in the verification reports.



You can find the most recent Project Description Document directly on the Verra Registry, located on the right-hand side of this page. The first Validation Report is expected to be released in 2023. To learn more about Verra and the VCS program, please visit the official Verra webpage. For access to all official documents related to VCS certification, please refer to the Verra Registry. Additionally, you can explore our resources page for other related and valuable materials.

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